- The long war of attrition exhausted the strength of both countries. 这场长期的消耗战耗尽了两国的力量。
- I also learned the strength of the collective. 我还认识到了集体的力量。
- He thought he might be offered the post on the strength of his father's former association with the firm. 他认为靠他父亲跟该公司的老关系,可能会把这个职位给他。
- I did it on the strength of his promise. 我是因为有了他的承诺才做这件事的。
- I should like to see in her eyes that strength of character. 我想要在她的眼睛里看到那个坚强的个性。
- His handling of the crisis attested to his strength of character. 他对危机的处理证明了他性格坚强。
- I get the job on the strength of your recommendation. 承蒙足下推荐,我已获得这份工作。
- The company is bind by its article of association. 公司受公司章程的约束。
- I got the job on the strength of your recommendation. 承蒙足下推荐,我已获得这份工作。
- Her success speaks volumes for her courage and strength of character. 她的成功清楚地表现了她的勇气和坚韧的性格。
- To amend the company's articles of association. 修改公司章程
- Articles of association of listed company. (五)上市公司章程。
- It serves to show the strength of the Swedish team. 足见瑞典队的实力。
- I do feel deeply the strength of the collective. 我确实深深地感到了集体的力量。
- Her strength of will is extraordinary. 她意志的力量是不平常的。
- He lacked F.J. 's strength of character. 他缺少琼斯那种坚强的个性。
- He was accused of associating with known criminals. 他与众人皆知的罪犯们交往而受到谴责。
- Are measures of the strength of an association rule. 是关联规则强度的度量。
- Greater than strength of body is strength of mind. 智力强于体力。
- I bought it on the strength of his advice. 我是因他的劝告才把它买下的。